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What To Expect At Our Lee's Summit Chiropractic Practice 

1. New Member Application

All new practice members at Essential Chiropractic are asked to fill out the new practice member health application as thoroughly as possible. This will help us understand your health needs better, and allow us to serve you as best as we can.

2. Tour

After completing your new member application we will take you on a brief educational tour of our office. It is our goal to make you as comfortable as possible during each visit, and knowing your way around the practice is the first step in doing so.

3. Consultation

We will do a one-on-one consultation with you to better understand your health needs. Here we will discuss your concerns and goals for care and learn about any traumas that might be contributing to your health concerns.

4. Scientific Chiropractic Assessment

Using our state of the art assessment technology we will do a thorough assessment of your spinal health. This will allow us to pin point if and where there are any areas stress in your spine.

5. X-ray

At Essential Chiropractic we have a digital x-ray unit on site. If necessary, it will allow us to see the EXACT health of your spine. This will give us the opportunity to tailor our care to your specific health needs.

6. New Patient Orientation and Report of Findings

Your next visit will consist of a brief report discussing our approach to your health needs and goals. Following this, we will review all the findings from your initial visit and discuss your individualized treatment plan. We do encourage you to bring a friend or loved one to this visit to help understand everything.

7. Your First Adjustment

At the conclusion of your report of findings, you have the opportunity to receive your first specific, chiropractic adjustment; your first step towards optimal health! We look forward to partnering with you on your healing journey.


Office Hours

Monday                      10-1 PM, 3-6 PM

Tuesday                                 3-6:30 PM

Wednesday                10-1 PM, 3-6 PM

Thursday                    10-1 PM, 3-6 PM

Friday                                  Closed


419A SW Ward Rd. 

Lee's Summit, MO 64081

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